On 11 and 12 November 2024, the annual meeting of the Scientific and Ethical Advisory Board (SEAB) of the German Biobank Node (GBN) took place in Berlin. SEAB members Dominic Allen, Prof. Dr. Christopher Baum, Dr. Fay Betsou, Prof. Dr. Jens K. Habermann, Dr. Stefanie Houwaart, Prof. Kristian Hveem, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Graf von Kielmannsegg and Dr. Morris Swertz exchanged views on work results and discussed future perspectives. GBN board spokesperson PD Dr. Sara Nußbeck emphasised the importance of the SEAB meeting: "The SEAB plays a crucial role in sharpening our strategies and identifying new approaches.
At the request of the SEAB, the meeting was extended to two days for the first time to allow more time for in-depth discussions. The new format was very well received. Speaking on behalf of the Advisory Board, Dominic Allen concluded: "It was a pleasure to discuss such well thought out concepts. Thank you for organising and introducing the new format, which proved to be very effective."
Biobanking on demand as a perspective
A central theme of the meeting was the concept of 'biobanking on demand', which is expected to significantly facilitate the multi-centre collection of biospecimens. Two dedicated task forces presented their developments in this area: Dr. Alexandra Stege, member of the Steering Committee (SC), presented the 'Competence Matrix' – a tool designed to highlight specific strengths within the German Biobank Alliance (GBA) and thus facilitate cooperation. Prof. Dr. Alexandra Nieters, also a member of the SC, explained the concept of 'local hubs'. These regionally networked biobanks are intended to promote cross-sectoral collaboration at local level. Both approaches were considered innovative and forward-looking by the SEAB. The SEAB particularly highlighted the potential of 'biobanking on demand' in collaboration with the Network of University Medicine (NUM).
Sebastian Graf von Kielmannsegg takes over from Jochen Taupitz
It was Prof. Dr. Sebastian Graf von Kielmannsegg's first meeting as a member of the SEAB. The renowned lawyer succeeds Prof. Dr. Jochen Taupitz, who has retired. "We would like to thank Prof. Taupitz for his many years of commitment and his analytical vision," says GBN managing director Dr. Cornelia Specht. "With his expertise, he has had a lasting influence on the development of GBN and GBA. At the same time, we are delighted to have found an extremely competent successor in Prof. Graf von Kielmannsegg."
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