National Pandemic Cohort Network

The National Pandemic Cohort Network (NAPKON) is a multi-centre project of the Network of University Medicine (NUM). NUM is an initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to pool research activities of German university hospitals in the fight against the current pandemic.

Network of infrastructures and cohort platforms

NAPKON is one of 13 projects funded within NUM and will facilitate a better understanding of the course of Covid-19 as well as research into possible therapies by bringing together clinical data, biosamples and imaging data in scientific studies. NAPKON is establishing a network of infrastructures and cohort platforms in order to create essential foundations for the fight against pandemics using Covid-19 as an example. The initiative ensures a comprehensive, harmonised collection and use of biosamples and data and involves all health sectors. Prof. Dr. Thomas Illig, deputy spokesman of the German Biobank Node (GBN), is in charge of setting up the biosample core of NAPKON. GBN has published the recording of an introductory webinar, the NAPKON SOP manual for biobanks as well as other information.

NAPKON is particularly closely interlinked with two other NUM projects: the establishment of the National Research Data Platform (FoDaPla) and the COVIM project ("Determination and Use of SARS-CoV-2 Immunity").

About the Network of University Medicine (NUM)

The network aims to bring together and evaluate data, findings, action plans, diagnostic and treatment strategies of as many German university hospitals as possible and, if necessary, other actors. This pooling of knowledge, competencies and resources is intended to create structures and processes in the clinics that ensure the best possible care for Covid-19 patients. At the same time, pandemic management is to be supported by health services research and the development of practical recommendations. The BMBF is providing a total of 150 million euros for the Network of University Medicine.

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