About us
IBBJ is the integrated central biobank for the Medical Faculty of the University Hospital Jena. It represents a central resource for the collection of biospecimens from defined clinical research projects and research networks, as well as of clinical samples, and is operated in close collaboration with a variety of surgical and non-surgical disciplines.
IBBJ acts as a cooperation partner and service provider in the context of clinical research projects. Together with study directors IBBJ assumes the planning and organisation for the entire biobank process: from the collection of samples through their approval by the appropriate ethics committees, and the sampling, storage and release to the associated sample shipment. A fully automated robot storage and retrieval system with -80 ° C sample storage and a cryogenic storage facility for storage at very low temperatures (-150 ° C) allows automated handling and storage of approximately 900,000 samples under strictly controlled conditions.
Secure access to the sample collection and related data is ensured locally, for external applicants through a standardised application process and always involves the scientific and operational decision-making bodies. Thus, IBBJ ensures the highest quality standards when dealing with the samples in strict compliance with current ethical, legal and data protection relevant framework conditions.
IBBJ has resulted from the merger of the three biobanks (SEPNET, SEPTOMICS, CSCC) established as part of the Sepsis Cluster Jena - with support for sepsis research continuing to form a key focus today.
Clinical Biobank (liquid), research biobank
Accreditation and/or certification
Accredited, DIN EN ISO 17025,
Certified, DIN EN ISO 9001
An analytical quality assurance concept for the samples entrusted to IBBJ has been established and can be offered according to user requirements. The test laboratory of IBBJ is accredited according to DIN EN ISO 17025.
Embedded in the Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Diagnostics (IKCL), IBBJ relies, if necessary, on the expertise of the medical laboratory accredited according to DIN EN ISO 15189 or for the collection of data in clinical trials on the test laboratories of IKCL, which are accredited according to DIN EN ISO 17025. Detailed standard operating procedures (SOPs) and standards for all quality-relevant processes are available.
Participation in GBN activities in quality management
Round robin tests
Tissue RNA: 2019, 2020, 2022 Liquid DNA: 2018, 2020, 2023 PBMC: 2020
Friendly audits
2019, 2020, 2022
Key figures
available liquid samples
available solid samples
storage capacity in 500 µl tubes
ISO 9001
certified since 2012
Funding bodies and partners
University Hospital Jena
Integrated Biobank Jena (IBBJ)
Am Klinikum 1
07747 Jena

PD Dr. Dr. Michael Kiehntopf
Head of IBBJ
© 2025 All rights reserved.