The "EvolveBBMRI" project (Accelerating Datafication for Support of EU Health Priorities, Greening of Biobanks and Integrated Approach to "One Health"), which is coordinated by the European biobank network BBMRI-ERIC (Biobanking and BioMolecular Resources Research Infrastructure - European Research Infrastructure Consortium) in cooperation with ten member states, was officially launched on 30 January 2024 with a kick-off event in Vienna. The aim of the project is to further develop BBMRI-ERIC in the interests of its scientific communities and users, to sharpen its focus on political priorities at EU level and to intensify cooperation with industry.
EvolveBBMRI comprises four thematic pillars:
- Faster "datafication" of biobanks and biomolecular resources to enable reproducible cutting-edge medical research in line with EU health policy priorities
- Collaboration with industry for greener biobanks
- Measures for the long-term sustainability of BBMRI, taking into account gaps in the research infrastructure landscape
- Strengthening career pathways, training and outreach
The German Biobank Node (GBN) is involved in several work packages of the project. In the work package "Acceleration of datafication of biobanks and biomolecular resources to enable reproducible advanced medical research" GBN takes the lead and in the area "Strengthened approach to training and outreach activities to maximise impact" GBN is responsible for several central tasks.
"EvolveBBMRI" has a duration of three years and a funding volume of around four million euros. GBN will receive 645,000 €.
The "RESOLVE" project (Residual disease assessment in hematologic malignancies to improve patient-relevant outcomes across Europe) is being carried out by Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg in cooperation with 21 institutions from eight European countries and started on 1 April 2024. The aim is to establish a "gold standard" in the treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL).
AML and CLL are among the most common forms of blood cancer in adults. Depending on the stage of the disease, patients receive chemotherapy, immunotherapy or a stem cell transplant. The so-called measurable residual disease (MRD) can be used early on in the course of treatment to determine whether the leukaemia is responding very well to the therapy. It is present when very sensitive measurement methods such as flow cytometry still detect leukaemia cells in the body that cannot be detected with a light microscope. Although MRD has a high predictive value for further treatment, it has not yet been sufficiently scientifically tested to serve as a binding guideline for an individual treatment recommendation. This is now to be clarified by the RESOLVE research network in collaboration with existing expert networks and partnerships with patient involvement. The German Biobank Node (GBN) is involved in the project in an advisory capacity and is contributing its experience in the development of an IT platform.
RESOLVE is part of the "EU Mission on Cancer" funding line, has a duration of five years and a funding volume of eight million euros. GBN receives 50,000 € of this.
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